How I Became A Prophet

And how you can become one too—by not really trying, using your imagination, paying attention, and getting old

Kurt Andersen
5 min readFeb 6, 2021
Photo: CreditDebitPro

The last few years, and the last few weeks—QAnon cultists entering Congress as both invaders and members, the GameStop madness—have made me feel prescient and even, occasionally, megalomaniacally, I must confess, prophetic.

In the beginning was Trump. The satirical magazine Spy, which I co-founded, covered him a lot. As part of our 1988 election coverage, we commissioned a poll asking “Who are you most disappointed isn’t running for president?” In addition to legitimate politicians, we offered Trump as a choice, and 4% picked him, about as many as picked Joe Biden. “In terms of level of education, the voters who most favored a Trump candidacy—9%—were those whose minds remain uncluttered by any education beyond junior high school.” “We’ve come to believe,” we declared, mock-seriously, “that a Donald Trump candidacy is viable,” and what’s more, “we already have Donald Trump’s personal guarantee that if he did run for president, he would win.”



Kurt Andersen

Award-winning, bestselling author (Evil Geniuses, Fantasyland, True Believers, Heyday, Turn of the Century) and creator of media (Studio 360, Inside, SPY).